Journey to Emma Grace

When a child is born, an invisible red thread reaches out from the child’s spirit and connects to all important people who will enter the child’s life. As the child grows, the threads shorten, bringing closer those people who are destined to be together. ~Chinese Proverb~

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Tough Time

Its a tough time right now. There is the new rules from China and how the US is taking it. I just don't understand how our country can be so concerned with another country and its rules. We should concentrate on our own country and why people do not want to adopt domestically. I just hope that all this hype doesn't cause China to close their program. I really hate all this press talk. There just is no need for it. I just start freaking out that China will have just had it with our country! We need to really keep out of other countries stuff!!!! ugh!


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