No word from CCAA
Starters! Happy Chinese New year!!
Another weekend! I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have had the blues. I hate to admit I am having rumor queen withdrawls. I never thought I would say it but, it sucks the site is closed. The site mad me mad all the time but, it was nice to have a heads up on referrals. I didn't pay much attention to the other stuff. So, now this will be very hard to go forward without the RQ site. But, we will do it.....
This weekend doesn't hold much. I went to see my hubby last weekend. That was so much fun. We went to a mall in Maryland and they were celebrating the Chinese New Year. It was so wonderful to see so many families there with their children. Made us long for our Emma even more. We talked alot about the adoption process that weekend. Its been hard with my husband being deployed for almost 2 yrs. I keep saying once were out of review I can just relax. I am beginning to wonder about that.... Ha!
Hopefully he will be home soon and we can concentrate on Emma's room.
Have a great weekend everyone!