Journey to Emma Grace

When a child is born, an invisible red thread reaches out from the child’s spirit and connects to all important people who will enter the child’s life. As the child grows, the threads shorten, bringing closer those people who are destined to be together. ~Chinese Proverb~

Friday, August 24, 2007

New Job

I found a new job! I am so excited. I think it was meant to be! I thought I regretted leaving my other job when I got my last one but, I think things happen for reasons. I cannot believe how much this new job offers in benefits. We were worried about daycare for Emma and the Hospital I got my new job from has daycare included as a benefit (small cost). I think things are just rolling along. If only we would get out of the review room. :-(

New Secret Pal Gift

Thank you to my new secret pal! You are the best! We loved the gifts you sent. We loved the buckets filled with all kinds of toys Emma will be able to use. We cannot wait to help Emma draw on the cement with the chalk. Thank you so much for your gift! It was a great suprise! I will post pictures when our Camera is up and running. :-)

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Referrals came today and the cut off date is 11/21/2005. I am very upset that I read Rumor Queen and that she post such crap about CCAA getting into Dec. I know its just a rumor site but, to be honest I think she does what she does no purpose to make this ride such a sucky roller coaster. I know I can just not read it but, its addictive and I cannot help it and should learn. But, why would someone month after month put such lies on her site. If you ever read it you will notice that early rumors are never correct. She shouldn't post anything until they are sent out. It just gets peoples hopes and dreams up. I know I shouldn't believe her site but, its just a glimmer of hope you want to find there. Enough for me!!!!!!!