Journey to Emma Grace

When a child is born, an invisible red thread reaches out from the child’s spirit and connects to all important people who will enter the child’s life. As the child grows, the threads shorten, bringing closer those people who are destined to be together. ~Chinese Proverb~

Friday, July 27, 2007


CCAA has finished review of dossiers logged in June! This means that finally we are in REVIEW!!!!!!!
You have no idea how much this means! To finally move in China. Its been a long time waiting to be in review.
I now just hope for no phone calls! Please god! let us just pass through! Please!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Our new addition to the family

We have a new family member. We decided to get another dog. We have been thinking about this for some time now but, I just couldn't find one I really liked at the shelters or rescues. Long story made short is we had a mix dog that was a pitt mix (didn't know at time of adoption) and she attacked our other dog one day and that is not a memory I like to bring up. I have had the hardest time looking at dogs at the shelters and rescues due to the fact I have no idea what they are mixed with and get freaked about adopting one. We decided to look into pure breed dogs. We started with Goldens and somehow ended up very interested in Siberian Husky. We found a breeder and went to check out the puppies. She said she had a few pups (more like 30) we could check out. How do you decide on a pup from 30! We fell in love with 3 and took the time to decide. John wanted the black and white with blue eyes and I wanted the white, black and tan pup. We decided on the one I liked. She was ready to go and the other pup had another 4 wks left till she could go home.

Introduction to Avery went much smoother than we expected. Then a day later he hated her! He wanted nothing to do with her and growled at her. I was freaked and wanted to send her back but, our vet and the breeder said this was very natural and that she was a pest to Avery right now and when she was older he would love her. It took about a week and now they are the best of friends. There are times he needs his space (she is a pest) but, other than that they are cute together. Her name is Neka. Picture to follow soon.

Home Study Update

We have to do our Home Study update. Our SW is no longer with the agency and we will have a new one. A little nervous but, we have already been through this before and a new person won't really be a big deal I guess. It's only an update!!!

Places Everyone Email

We got our "Places Everyone" email today. We are still pending review. I was so hoping to be in the Review Room. A move would have been nice. I hope June gets out as quick as May did. It would be nice to be out of the Review Room.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I can hardly believe its been 1 whole year since our dossier was LID in China. I really thought we would be much closer to bring our Emma home but, we are not. I keep positive thinking (every now and then) that we might have a speed up but, its very hard to do. I can only hope and pray that next year this time we will be closer. :-)

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! Have a fun day! the weather in Michigan is raining and humid. Yippie! :-)