Journey to Emma Grace

When a child is born, an invisible red thread reaches out from the child’s spirit and connects to all important people who will enter the child’s life. As the child grows, the threads shorten, bringing closer those people who are destined to be together. ~Chinese Proverb~

Monday, June 18, 2007


Well, we had a very busy and hot weekend. On Saturday we did the 3 mile Breast Cancer Walk in Downtown Detroit. It was much hotter than last year and it seemed much longer too. :-)

This was John's first time walking with us (he had been deployed for 2 yrs) and it was fun. We walk for my friend Michele who is a Breast Cancer Survivor. There was about 30 people that were walking with her. We then had a little picinic in the parking lot. I was so bushed man. Every bone in my legs hurt.

We then went to the mall and shopped. We played with a couple of puppies at the mall. They were so cute. We do this every time we hit the mall. Its fun to pull a few out of their cages to play. I would love to buy one but, they are way too much money.

We, well actually my husband did alot of yard work. We are trying to do some new landscaping in the back yard. He dug up an area on the side of the house in back. Now we just have to plant the flowers and plants. Yeah! there are alot of bee's out there this year. I am NOT a bee person at all. I see one and I run in the house like a child. :-)

We are doing some work on the house too since we are not going to China this year to pick up Emma. Its tough to say that. I am just hoping that next summer is the longest we will have to wait. I don't know how much longer I can take this wait. ugh.

We are planning a vacation too since we won't be going to china. We might go to the Condo (john's family has a condo on Sanibel Island) or go to Disney World.

I am starting to diet too, I might as well work on better health while we have another year ahead of us. Its tough to diet. I am doing actually pretty good. Its really hard because my loving hubby can eat anything and not gain a pound. Nice!!! I just keep thinking of Emma and how much we are going to be running around so to lose a few pounds will be a good idea.

I have started thinking of doing a shower for my sister-in-law. Her baby is due Oct 15th! The time has flown by. I didn't realize we need to do a shower already. I love showers. The games, the prizes and the presents!!!

Well, I am trying to do much better about posting. Its hard when you get so depressed from the wait time. Positive attitude is what I need to get me through this long long long wait.

Till next time!!!


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